I can't believe another week has already passed since my last post. Unfortunately, I do not have time to write all the details of this week. I am happy to report that I found a community people of who share my adoration and love for My Lover. I had seen a sign that advertised for this group, and I'm skeptical of a lot of campus groups because they tend to either be really good or really half-baked; My Lover has a lot of half-baked fan groups. This group was the real deal though, and I'm couldn't be more elated to have found this community.
Unfortunately I have some less than stellar news to report on. Today I participated in a nation-wide rally against the Grand Jury and FBI oppression of peace activists as a group from Shimer College. The majority of the crowd consisted of socialists, Marxists, Stalinists, and other political fanatics with whom I don't resonate; I just know that silencing the voices of those who advocate for peace is gross injustice on the part of country that claims to uphold the freedom of speech. I made a sign for the rally that said, "Have you read your Bible lately?" and quoted Matthew 26:52 which basically is from Jesus and says something to effect of, "If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword." Politicians who play to the fundamentalist right-wing call this nation a Christian nation, and therefore if they are aligning themselves with the Christians, then they need to re-read their Bibles before sending our men and women out to kill and occupy the people of foreign lands.
After we got back to campus, we made a bee-line for the cafeteria, but as we were walking through the main building towards the dinner line a couple of Army ROTC service members scoffed at us upon reading our signs and said, "F-ing hippies". I immediately turned around and said to the one who spoke and said, "Hey, I'm no f-ing hippy!" He responded by insisting that I was a hippy, and the first thing that came out of my mouth was, "Well, God bless you!" I was angry at them because they're signed up to defend my right to speak out against the war, yet they're criticizing me for exercising the right they defend? Why are they defending it if they don't believe I should speak it? Sure, criticizing my views does not necessarily equate to believing that I shouldn't exercise my right, but it's pretty darn close to that. This service member wasn't even criticizing my beliefs, he was simply judging me based on the signs my buddy and I were carrying.
I know I don't need to get so riled up about it, and My Lover said that I should just rest in Him and be at peace. That's really all I can do. I can whine and complain about a lot of things that are wrong in the world. I could turn this blog into my personal soap box about the woes befalling America, but that won't really do much good. I can only have faith in My Lover who continues to work in the name of love and spreading it everywhere He goes. I hope that as I learn the methodology of My Lover, I too can spread that same love to everyone I meet and exude love with everything I do.
Can't stop the signal,
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